Jenny Gale resigned yesterday (25th March) after 45 years of state service, she started out as a teacher before landing her half a million-dollar salary position as the Head of State Service.
Whether or not she will voluntarily or if she can be forced to give evidence at the Commission of Inquiry Scrutiny Committee will be the next circus to play out in Tasmania.
At 11:30am, 25th of March, Melissa Wells and I ran into Brett Gale in the Burnie carpark.
Brett Gale is a convicted predator, convicted of an indecent act with a young person under the age of 17 years on the 18th of October 2006.
In the footage Brett Gale discloses that private conversations within High School settings are discussed with him. Raising serious concerns of confidentiality and the safety of victim survivors.
I will be raising these concerns with Inspector Darren Latham from the Office of the Assistant Commissioner this morning.

Correspondence received at 10:01 - 26th of March 2024
I'm not very happy with this reply, a dot pointed outline of the "relevant" area would be a good start, and names of Department officials we can follow up with. The secret squirrel approach by department heads in tax funded positions is not appropriate. Immediate action is required to remove this toxic culture.