Update - Email correspondence from Anthony Haneveer - Editor of The Advocate
Dear Ms Burnett,
I find it odd that you have sent this email to Mr Hawkey and I, particularly given your public attacks against me and apparent complaint to the TEC.
It is a shame you never contacted me to ask, but, in case this information has not been passed on to you by the TEC, you should know the LinkedIn profile you found in a Google search of my name is out of date. It is not one I have access to, though I am endeavouring to have it merged with an active account. I do not have two jobs. I have been at The Advocate for the past six and a half years, and the editor for the past two years. Furthermore, and having noted claims you have made on social media, I have never received any direction from the owners of The Advocate as to my editorial decision-making.
I trust you will give more consideration as to what you have to say publicly about myself and The Advocate in the future.
Kind regards,
Anthony Haneveer, editor
This content was created outside The Advocates Office in Burnie Tasmania, on the 12th of March at 10am.
Anthony has stated "Furthermore, and having noted claims you have made on social media, I have never received any direction from the owners of The Advocate as to my editorial decision-making."
This content was created was created outside Jacqui Lambies Office at 1pm. I have been doing safe space community pop ups for over 12 months, raising awareness on critical issues such as police corruption and the failures of the Commission of Inquiry into Institutional Abuse. I had a consultation with a Devonport Police Officer a couple of days prior to double check as a candidate if there were different rules, I needed to be aware of.
As an advocate for a Royal Commission into Police Corruption in Tasmania, I have raised issues with Police Commissioner Donna Adams on multiple incidents of very serious misconduct allegations against the Special Operations Team. It would not surprise me if Jacqui Lambies Candidate who is a Devonport Police Officer sent the paddy wagon and three (3) police officers to intimidate me. If this did happen, it demonstrates the concerns of overreach and corruption is rife across the board.
The videos above map a series of events, raising concerns of political influence and unfortunately foreign interference. As demonstrated by Nick Feik https://www.themonthly.com.au/issue/2024/february/nick-feik/rotten-core we have serious matters of corruption that require immediate attention. If you have had contact with the police and the outcome was questionable, please consider signing the petition. Click the image to be directed to the website.
I am currently running as a Peace Candidate in the Tasmanian State Election and since the Writ was issued questionable behaviour has been raised to The Tasmanian Electoral Commission. - Democracy Under Attack in Tasmania (gatty.online)
Anthony has stated "you should know the LinkedIn profile you found in a Google search of my name is out of date. It is not one I have access to, though I am endeavouring to have it merged with an active account. I do not have two jobs."
Not only is there a strange link between Anthony Haneveer and The Premier and Cabinet (tas), but the media ecosystem also starts to link to partnerships involving America and Israel. Click the pictures to be directed to source.
My Media Release obviously doesn't appeal to their shareholders.
Nomination for Braddon and Concerns to Address
I officially announce my nomination for Braddon. I want to point out crucial issues that should change your vote.
People may have seen my pop up safe spaces outside political locations, raising concerns about the lack of response and cover ups surrounding the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Response to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings and police corruption. The same old career politicians who have been around for decades are the problem. Why vote for the same people who protect 81 public servants stood down over csa allegations?
This is the era of advanced technology and Behaviour Economics, we have the solution at our fingertips to expose the toxic ecosystems, perpetrators and failures within human service deliverables.
Tasmanians have the right to understand how the Behaviour Economics Team hosted by the Prime Minister and Cabinet influence decision-making. (BETA is often referred to as Barack Obama’s nudge unit.) BETA is applied to Australian policies and public behaviour, political language is dictated around covid and climate change, why hasn’t this tool been applied to child safety? Is it because we have no control over our political interests?
The pivot to Asia and privatisation is why we have a cost of living crisis, middle income earners are being squeezed by the same players who veto every attempt at a ceasefire. Tasmania is a gateway to Antarctica, making us a prime location for American/Israel militarisation.
Why would ordinary people want to support warmongering? Why vote for the same political ecosystems such as Lib, Lab and Lamb who demonstrate support for American/Israel foreign interests?
It is crucial voters understand the function of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and how colour revolutions happen.
Career politicians who voted against our hero Julian Assange are a disgrace and they can say hello to their Neddie mates for me.
We have two options, one represents destruction, war and economic self harm backing AUKUS all-the-way-with-the-USA, or the other is BRICS+.
You can read my blogs and follow my social media at www.gatty.online
Gatty For Tassie – Peace Keeper
What I find even more discouraging is the Tasmanian Electoral Commission send generic emails, they have decided to remain anonymous with this significant question of political influence and foreign interference.
Peace Keeper candidates are being disregarded by American/Israel stakeholders of Tasmanian media outlets, Tasmania will not have a democratic election if this is allowed to continue.
My engagement across social media indicates a demographic of voters are interested in my platform and awareness campaigns.
It would be a concern if during a democratic election if there was an undertone of political influence and foreign interference.
It would be a concern if these matters were being ignored by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission.
Anthony has stated "I trust you will give more consideration as to what you have to say publicly about myself and The Advocate in the future"
At this stage Anthony has not confirmed if The Advocate will publish my issues of note, of foreign policy as an independent candidate in this State Election.